At Castro Neto Lawyers since August 2018, incorporates the Restructuring and insolvency Department.
Graduated in Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, since 2012.Also has a Master´s degree from the same institution, in Ciências Jurídico-Civilísticas with a mention in Direito Civil since 2014, having also completed a thesis entitled “Responsabilidade Pré-Contratual por Ruptura Ilegítima das Negociações”.
Furthermore, has a postgraduate degree in the Curso de Especialização em Jurisprudência since 2018, also from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.
Was a trainne lawer at the office of Dr. Silva Cordeiro and later moved to the office of Dr. Alves Cardoso, both based in Coimbra.
Joined the Bar Association in May 2017.
Has the Professional License 57007C.
“Truth knows no periphrases; justice does not allow suspension points.” – Abílio Guerra Junqueira
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